I have been teaching for nine years and I have a great passion for Early Years. I have been in Early Years throughout most of my teaching career. I honestly believe that children’s early experiences can shape them for life. I have a variety of resources and ideas for Reception/ Nursery aged children.
I have been teaching for nine years and I have a great passion for Early Years. I have been in Early Years throughout most of my teaching career. I honestly believe that children’s early experiences can shape them for life. I have a variety of resources and ideas for Reception/ Nursery aged children.
A simple baseline for Reception children to gain a quick insight into children’s developmental stage. Easy to complete. I use this baseline in the Autumn, Spring and Summer term to show progression (if needed, depends on child). I complete a different simple assessment for children that have progressed beyond this stage by the Spring and Summer terms.
Christmas Show! Perry the Penguin!
This show is about a penguin called Perry. He gets lost in a snowstorm and needs to find his way home. Along the way he meets a few friends to help him to find his way home.
This show is fantastic for Reception children (tried, tested and loved by all - children and parents.) It is a very simple and easy to follow script. I did this show with ninety Reception children and it was a great success. The show is about 20 minutes long. I can also provide information about how many of each character you need if you tell me how many children you have in your year group.
A PowerPoint is included with all of the backgrounds, songs and music. A few well known songs and new original written songs – including Perry Penguin and Five Little Reindeers. Everything is one place – simple to use PowerPoint. The children helped to make the costumes - information included about costumes. Feel free to message me on Facebook at Early Years Inspired or email me at eyfsinspired@gmail.com.
There are speaking parts for more confident children – a range of different characters and all of the children are able to join in with singing the songs. Any queries you have I am happy to help and support you through them.
Message me for more information. You will not be disappointed! This show is available for only £5!